AMR DurangoView Updates
$15.00the 2021 AMR Dodge Durango comes with 3 different emergency light versions : RR (fully red), RB (red & blue), BB (fully blue)
Extras :
extra 1 : lightbar (roof)
extra 2 : lightbar (front wind screen, top)
extra 3 : lightbar (front wind screen, bottom)
extra 4 : lightbar (rear wind screen)
extra 5 : rambar
extra 6 : front visors (grill)
extra 7 : antennas (on the roof)
extra 8 : trunk equipment
Credits (base): Raz3r (2021 Dodge Durango ppv)
Credits (3d parts):
Zomblitt (Desfibrillator)
Cj24 (Z3 Code3)
Terry Sloman (Setina PB-400)
Credits (Pictures): mwphotogrphy